About Me

I have something to say... But a blog let's me spew until I figure out what it is.

Monday, August 15, 2011


I have been "teasing" for a few months that I will be writing a series of blog entries leading up to my brother's one year anniversary.

Well, the time has come.

The thought is that I will write one entry a week regarding the days surrounding my brother's death.

It is important that anyone who reads these entries keep in mind two things:
1) As with every other entry I have ever written, I will not pull punches. Some things I write may be difficult to read for any number of reasons... I would encourage you to close my blog and come back when a new post is up or when the series is over.
2) Everything that I say is either my opinion or my perspective. Anything on my blog is not meant to upset anyone - it is simply a subjective perspective on something very personal to me.

The purpose of these entries?

Simply put, there were SO MANY people who loved and cared about my brother and I think they have a right to know as much as possible about his death. Beyond that, there is nothing I hope to gain from putting all these stories "down on paper" other than to get them out of my head.

It is my hope to remove some of the mystery surrounding George's sudden death and nothing more.

With love,

1 comment:

  1. Jen,

    I am very proud that you are going to do this, I know that you will be able to purge the thoughts that cloud your mind to bring you peace. I am trying very hard to communicate the idea of writing thoughts down to get them out of head to Keith, and so far it's a fail. He simply does not see how writing can help eliminate worry or pain of loss. I am hoping that with each entry you write I'll be able to get this into his head.
